Free Webinar about Invasive Species in the Fraser Valley, October 27th, 2021 6:30 pm

Free Webinar about Invasive Species in the Fraser Valley, October 27th, 2021 6:30 pm

A free webinar about local invasive species is being offered on OCTOBER 27th by Fraser Valley Conservation (FVC) and the Fraser Valley INVASIVE Species Society.

Topics to be included are…
1) What Makes Something and Invasive Species in the Fraser Valley
2) Tips for Controlling Local Invasive Plants
3) Problems with Invasive Animals
4) What You Can do to Help Create a Healthy Environment

Participants are encouraged to bring any invasive species related questions for discussion during the live Q&A portion of the Webinar

Dates & Timing
Wednesday, October 27th
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Location: Zoom

This is a free online event, click on the following to register!
Space is limited, so register now!


Announcing Fraser Valley Conservacy (FVC) Fall Native Plant Species Sale

Announcing Fraser Valley Conservacy (FVC) Fall Native Plant Species Sale

Fraser Valley Conservancy (FVC) Fall Native Plant Species Sale:
This is just to let the neighbourhood know about The Fraser Valley Conservancy’s Fall Native Plant Sale, which has started now.
FVC are taking orders via their website (read on) now, but you will be told where in Abbotsford to pick up your order on October 2.

Native Trees and Shrubs:
The Fall sale is focused on trees and shrubs. Quantities are limited for certain items, so it is good to get your order in early to ensure you don’t miss out.

How to Order:
• If you have been thinking of gardening with more native species, read through the following page for all information
• Once you read the entire webpage about the “Important Plant Sale Information” just click on the online shop link where you can read about/order your plants. Their order page can also be located by scrolling back to the top, and clicking on FVC SHOP within the green banner.

Online Plant Manual:
A detailed guide, Gardening with Native Plants in the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley – Your guide to creating a backyard that supports nature can be ordered along with your plants or you can read it for free at the following…

Happy Gardening.

Removing Beaver Dams in Lake Errock

Removing Beaver Dams in Lake Errock

Regarding Beavers, dam removal and the regulations.

Removing dams is complicated! Beavers can do a lot of “good” in keeping water on the landscape (particularly important for assisting in fire suppression, drought management and mitigating for climate change). However, as active “water engineers”, they also can cause challenges like flooding. The question is, how do we or should we “manage” these dams? And, what do we need to know?

We have to ask ourselves why are we wanting to pull a dam? Will its presence cause economic, social and/or ecological impact? For example, is a dam is causing a barrier to migrating salmon passage, or is it causing flooding to infrastructure and posing risk to community safety? If so, then it may be worth considering pulling a dam.

Theses links provide great details about what you need to know to address beaver dams.
Often, there is help to manage dams. In our case, this is a salmon spawning channel, and we may benefit from direct support of DFO staff.



